Idaho IT Symposium is the region’s annual major gathering of leaders, professionals, and academics working in the I.T. field. As technology continues to redefine the boundaries of industries and replace markets’ traditional geographic regions with borderless digital environments, it has become essential for local organizations to be aware of the global trends in their sectors and implement strategies to integrate them into their operations to be able to stay agile and maintain their competitive edge.
Kicking off the day will be Keynote Speaker, Imran Bidiwala. After joining the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in 2005 as an IT Integrator, Imran Bidiwala supported the F-117, U-2, F-35 and ADP Programs where he provided IT systems and hardware resources in support of operational requirements and partnered with the Programs on annual IT planning. In September 2018, he accepted a new role as Engineering Applications Manager in support of ADP, Systems Engineering and Business Development. He is closely tied to Digital Transformation efforts, most recently deploying that capability to the first isolated network at Lockheed Martin as part of a proof of concept. He works closely with ADP Programs to plan and effectively manage IT resources in support of numerous pursuits; from transports, attack aircraft and tactical platforms to cruise missiles and reconnaissance vehicles, he works across a variety of functions to support Skunk Works Programs.
This executive-level event will consist of 3 keynote speakers and 9+ breakout sessions specifically addressing issues and trends Idaho IT leaders have told us are important to their organizations. You can view the full day's agenda here.
Last year the Symposium brought together over 100 IT leaders from 40 different companies. This allowed partnering sponsors to get quality face to face time with each of these attendees making their day not only progressive but efficient. This event packs a full program of information into a single day that doesn't require additional travel or extensive absence from the job.
Sponsor vendors have the opportunity to share information about problem-solving technology and ideas local executives can use in their day-to-day business practices. Most sponsors use this opportunity to present themselves as experts who can be utilized to help with the issues that present themselves in the workplace. Vendors will also be recognized as an organization committed to supporting and helping grow the region's IT industry.
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available giving vendors the perfect opportunity to get face to face with top local business leaders. Non-sponsoring vendors, consultants, or sales representatives are not allowed to register, which is beneficial for attendees and also sponsors underwriting the event.
To find out more about how you and your organization can get involved with the Idaho IT Symposium please contact Dayton Ruby at dayton@idahoitsymposium.com or visit www.idahoitsymposium.com.